Re: when 'cache_peer_access <cache> deny all_dst' is not enough

From: Dancer <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:50:16 +1100

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> Clifton Royston wrote:
> > I believe the reverse is true with name-based src addresses, though I
> > haven't heard this confirmed by one of the gurus.
> Yes.
> cache_peer_access does not wait for lookups to complete. It will only
> use data already known in Squids internal DNS caches. It will however
> trigger an lookup to populate the internal cache so Squid eventually
> learns to handle future requests properly.

That begs a question, actually. Consider this...squid manages it's
connections asynchronously...that is, it can schedule tasks (dns
lookups, redirector and authenticator requests) and get on with handling
other connections.

Authenticators and redirectors are synchronous and blocking insofar as
an individual request is concerned....Now, I'm stuck in a position where
third-party interfacing requires me to do a DNS lookup in a redirector.
Yes, I've implemented my own caches....but I would love to be able to
force squid to perform the lookup earlier in the lifetime of the
request, so that it will be in the DNS cache (positively or negatively)
when we get to needing it in the redirector.

Of course, there's no (bad language) time to try to look through the
code. Pointers, anyone?

Received on Thu Nov 11 1999 - 17:34:55 MST

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