Re: Squid internals

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: 14 May 2003 17:31:24 +0200

ons 2003-05-14 klockan 20.26 skrev atit_ldce:
> Hello squid dev
> 1)
> can i know when squid has completed its store rebuilding process

Yes. This fact is logged in cache.log.

> and when squid completes store rebuilding process i wants to insert redirect chain to start serving client reqs in transparent mode..[this chain insertion might have to do through shell script]

Easiest approach is to monitor cache.log and when seeing that Squid have
rebuilt the cache insert the corresponding firewall rule.

Doing this from within Squid is hard to do in a secure manner. While
rebuilding the cache Squid has already dropped it's root privileges and
chrooted itself (if configured) so having Squid run some program to
modify your firewall is a bit tricky in a security perspective.

> is it good to let squid to serve cleint reqs during store rebuilding process...
> or i should let squid to serve client requests only after its store rebuilding processs completes

For a transparent proxy setup it is probably better to wait until the
rebuild has completed, as Squid performance is noticeably impacted by
the reqbuild process.

But if Squid is also doing more functions than just caching (i.e.
content filtering / blockint, bandwidth control etc) then having the
requests always sent via Squid may be better.


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Received on Wed May 14 2003 - 09:31:38 MDT

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