Re: multiple Squids running with 1.2beta

From: Duane Wessels <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 10:35:11 -0600

Bob Purdon writes:

>> >I've observed filedescriptor usage way in excess of 1.2b20 when running
>> >1.2b23+patches, but haven't had a chance to determine the actual cause
>> >yet. It may well be normal behaviour.
>> 1.2 should use more filedescriptors than 1.1 did. The reason is
>> that 1.2 writes objects to the disk *as* they are being downloaded,
>> whereas 1.1 waits until the download is complete.
>I realise that, but should 1.2b23+patch1 use more file descriptors than
>1.2b20 did? Twice now our caches have run out of descriptors under 1.2b23
>whereas they run for weeks with 1.2b20.

No, that should NOT be happening.

If you notice it filling up, check the filedescriptor page of the

        /usr/local/squid/bin/client mgr:filedescriptors

Duane W.
Received on Wed Jul 29 1998 - 09:36:08 MDT

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