Re: can't download ftp .gz files

From: Francesc Guasch <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:15:53 +0100

Jens Elkner wrote:
> 'Francesc Guasch wrote:'
> > Hi, I got squid-2.0.RELEASE , and my client is
> > Netscape-4.06 for win95
> > When I try to download an ftp file that's a .tar.gz
> > the file is uncompressed and showed in the screen.
> >
> > If I try to do a save as the command tar xzvf doesn't
> > work, and it tells me it's not gzipped.
> >
> > When I turn off squid it works.
> > I searched the archives and the FAQ and found nothing.
> > I apologize if I have missed something obvious.
> Actually it is the stupid netscape, which uncompresses a file, if it
> is send to the client with the appropriate MIME type. So it might be
> fixed for ftp downloads via squids mime.conf, but if you download
> a file via http even without squid, netscape uncompresses the file
> when sent from the httpd with the appropriate MIME header line.
> So finally this is stupid netscape behavior and not squids fault ...
> BTW: Its also a netscape bug, that it uncompresses the file but does
> not remove the appropriate extension like .Z or .gz - grrr :((
But disabling squid it works.
I don't know about mime , but , why squid can't just output
the mime header it receives ?

 o o _     )        		Linux, Windows 95, and Windows NT
  Y (_, (__(Ssss    (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 11:04:26 MDT

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