Referer logs, and a httpd logging bug?

From: Jonathan Roy <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 10:58:41 -0400

  Is there any patch of any sort to let me log referer info? We use Squid
since our web server is kinda slow, and had a 10x traffic increase to an
area last night, but without the referer data we have no idea where it is
coming from! Quite annoying. If Squid could log to Apache's "extended
logging format", which is standardized and supported by a log of log
processing programs, that'd be excellent.

  Also, in the normal httpd access.log files, the GET parameters sent to a
cgi aren't logged. ie: The url will be like "file.cgi?" instead of
"file.cgi?area=1". Apache records all of the GET variables passed, so it
seems like Squid acting differently isn't right...

  Thanks for any info,


Jonathan Roy - - Idle Communications, Inc.
Received on Thu Aug 19 1999 - 08:52:33 MDT

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