Re: DNS Errors! "Uknown DNS error"

From: Andreas Skilitsis <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 14:03:45 +0200

>Check the cache_dns_program directory to point to the correct path.
>Also check the dns_nameservers. Perhaps there is a typo there.
>I would suggest remarking this line if you have your name server defined in
>I have done so.
>Panagiotis S. Malakoudis
>Systems Administrator

I already done these two... (tried remarking it too)...

cache_dns_program /usr/bin/dnsserver

... <SNIP> ...


The strange thing is that when running ./dnsserver ... it works
fine... I tested and tested... but really got stuck... I'm upgrading
to kernel 2.2.13 now... just to see if this has anything to do with
the 2.0.36 one I'm running now... who knows... maybe it's an
incompatibility of some kind...

I'm really loosing it with this problem... because everything else
seems to work fine (no other errors on log files... even with debug
on ALL,3...).

Best regards,

Andreas Skilitsis

Andreas Skilitsis

- How many Microsoft engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- None. They just redefine darkness as the standard.
Received on Fri Dec 10 1999 - 05:13:51 MST

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