[squid-users] Automatic stale sarg report clean-up.

From: Richard Chapman <rchapman_at_aardvark.com.au>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 18:27:30 +0900

Hi - I'm hoping someone here can help me with a sarg question.

I installed sarg about 6 months ago - and have just noticed that my sarg
reports seem to be building up indefinitely. Is there some sarg
configuration I have missed to delete stale reports? All of my sarg
folders (daily, weekly, monthly, reports) seem to have data there from 5
months ago.
Presumably - I can manually delete old reports - or write a script (if I
knew how). But I would have thought sarg would probably do this
automatically when configured properly.

Received on Tue Dec 30 2008 - 23:05:32 MST

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